The Shawshank Redemption


I came across this film when I was searching for highest rated films on IMDb to watch, well I highly trust the site’s judgement when in comes to movie review. Although I had a hard time downloading it I kept the faith, since a 9.3 rating is a must not miss command so after several attempts, Viola! download complete!

The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont, based on the 1982 Stephen King novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. It tells the story of banker Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), who is sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary for the murder of his wife and her lover, despite his claims of innocence. Over the following two decades, he befriends a fellow prisoner, contraband smuggler Ellis “Red” Redding (Morgan Freeman) and becomes instrumental in a money laundering operation led by the prison warden Samuel Norton (Bob Gunton).

The film was all about keeping a firm hold to Hope, that after so many years of being in the prison which you have considered your home, a brighter future awaits outside the brick walls and cold steel bars.

It was comforting to know that prisoners in the first world countries are still treated humanely after all the bad things they have committed in the community but prison cells in the third world countries are a different kind of story.



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